Charitable Foundation “Believe in the dream”- development of creative potential of children with disabilities, orphans, children from multi-child and needy families.
Вот такой яркий и интересный мастер- класс прошел в ДШИ от Благотворительный фонд «Поверь в Мечту» 🖼 🦋 🎨
На момент перелома времен года, с осени 🍁 на зиму ❄, а в душе еще у всех таится лето 🌞)), мы рисовали летних бабочек, при этом используя теплые(осенние) и холодные(зимние) цвета. Продолжение…
Международная он-лайн Выставка “Пушкинская осень”
Вот и подошла к концу Международная он-лайн Выставка приуроченная к ЮБИЛЕЙНОЙ, 225 годовщине со Дня рождения русского гениального писателя А. С. Пушкина, “Пушкинская осень”. Продолжение…..
Благотворительный фонд «Поверь в Мечту» сердечно рад многолетней дружбе с детским Центром МЕОД.
Вы согласитесь, как приятно видеть счастливые глаза детей, которым передали творческие/развивающие подарки 🎁 от фонда. Продолжение…
в Научно- практическом центре детской психоневрологии
Наш фонд «Поверь в мечту», продолжает согревать своими сердцами маленьких москвичей, которые находятся на лечении в Научно- практическом центре детской психоневрологии. Продолжение…
Мы продолжаем радовать особенных деток Москвы и Московской области подарками в формате проекта «Теплая осень»
Тепло наших сердец-для ВАС, любимые! Продолжение…
Наши спонсоры и партнеры:
This year our Fund “Believe in the dream” will celebrate 5th anniversary!
We are planning a big charity event for children, their adult friends and other visitors!
Please, support us!
You can donate with your mobile bill or repost!
Our Mission:
- We are discovering creative potential in children from socially disadvantaged groups, expanding this potential into a talent and using it in the interest of society.
Our Goals:
- Creation of innovative institution with focus on basic artistic education for children with disabilities, children in public charge and children from needy families. Fund’s principal activity consists in development and practice of educational programs which cultivate creative potential and ground in art professions.
- Fund’s principal activity consists in development and practice of educational programs which cultivate creative potential and ground in art professions.
- Formation of standards for following creation of analogous institutions.
- Extension range of activity up to creation not only national but international schools.
Our Tasks:
- Find resources for pursuit of charity activities regarding creative development of children with physical and financial disabilities.
- Creation of fixed-site art school for children with disabilities and children from needy families.
- Creation of mobile art school for children with disabilities and children in public charge.
- Organization of art school facilities and resources.
- Recruitment of permanent staff for teaching at fixed-site and mobile art school.
- Development of teaching methods at the different art styles, specially adapted for children with specific physical and mental abilities in above mentioned schools.
- Creation of study guides and training aids for education program above mentioned schools, and also for workshop sessions.
- Integration of schools in professional association activity.
- Organization of practical training; organization and lead of constant and travelling exhibitions for children from schools in Russia and abroad.